Tuesday, 12 February 2013

17. Teradata FastLoad Utility

FastLoad Utility

FastLoad is a command-driven utility you can use to quickly load large
amounts of data in an empty table on a Teradata Database.

You can load data from:

Disk or tape files on a channel-attached client system
Input files on a network-attached workstation
Special Access module (AXSMOD) or input module (INMOD) routines
you write to select, validate, and preprocess input data
Any other device providing properly formatted source data

FastLoad uses multiple sessions to load data. It loads data into a single
table on a Teradata system per job. If you want to load data into more
than one table in the system, you can submit multiple FastLoad jobs-one
for each table.

How It Works
FastLoad processes a series of FastLoad commands and Teradata SQL
statements you enter either interactively or in batch mode. You use the
FastLoad commands for session control and data handling of the data
transfers. The Teradata SQL statements create, maintain and drop tables
on the Teradata Database.
During a load operation, FastLoad inserts the data from each record of
your data source into one row of the table on a Teradata Database. The
table on the Teradata system receiving the data must be empty and have
no defined secondary indexes.

What It Does
When you invoke FastLoad, the utility executes the FastLoad commands
and Teradata SQL statements in your FastLoad job script. These direct
the FastLoad utility to:

1. Log you on to Teradata for a specified number of sessions, using your
username, password and tdpid/acctid information.

2. Load the input data into the FastLoad table on the Teradata system.

3. Log you off from Teradata.

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